The detailed description of the project: The proposal for a Strategic Plan described in this document is set within the frame of the Project for the improvement of the food safety system in Egypt.

During the year 2003, a diagnosis of the current food safety system was performed, and several general and particular conclusions were drawn. This Proposal for a Strategic Plan on Food Safety is the result of such conclusions. _The development of the project by the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, funded by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation A.E.C.I, is carried out by the Technological Centre ainia, which shall also direct and coordinate local work through the Egyptian Food Technology Research Institute.

The proposal for a food safety Strategic Plan in Egypt for the period 2004 – 2008 is structured on the basis of risk analysis: assessment, management and communication. Each of these elements integrates the objectives and proposed actions.

The types of services provided are:

  1. Protecting public health by minimizing the hazard of food borne illnesses.
  2. Protecting consumers from unsafe, unhealthy, mislabeled or adulterated products.
  3. Contributing to economic development by keeping consumers’ confidence in the food system and by establishing a solid regulatory basis for local and foreign food trade.
  4. Food legislation and regulations.
  5. Food control management.
  6. Inspection services.
  7. Laboratory services: epidemiological data and food control.
  8. Information, education, communication, & training.
Ref Project title Regional Consultative Meeting on Food Safety Legislation
Name of legal entity Country Overall project value (EUR) Proportion carried out by candidate (%) No. of staff provided Name of client Origin of funding Dates (start/end) Name of partners if any
MEFOSA SARL Lebanon Not mentioned WHO 26-28/6/2005 EMRO