The overall purpose of the “Agricultural Development Project” (ADP), executed by the Ministry of Agriculture, is to increase the farmer’s revenues in the fruits and vegetables sector by optimizing the use of the production factors, improving product’s quality to better respond to the market demand, and supporting new marketing channels for agricultural products.

The project intervenes at three levels:

  1. At the production level, the project will develop a multi-disciplinary set of services aiming at improving product’s quality, decreasing costs of production and adjusting production supply to market demand: agricultural advisory service, pest and plant disease forecast service, and market information service .
  2. At the marketing level, the project will assist in marketing the produce, following the logic of linking producers to potential buyers: export information, product norms and trade information service, and purchasing contracts with the large–scale distribution, exporters and agro-processors.
  3. These actions will be complemented by a support to the organizations of producers, and providing assistance in the field of farm management and accounting.

The project will contribute to the modernization of the fruits and vegetables sector by providing support to farmer’s organizations through the establishment of a number of services:

  1. Establishment / rehabilitation of efficient technical advisory services to agricultural production: Extension trainers will improve their training methodologies; acquire technical know-how and adequate knowledge on the techniques.
  2. Establishment of a fully operational pest and plant forecast service: complete and reliable information associated with a direct technical advice or connected to the specialized technical advisory services will be put , on a daily basis, at the service of the farmers Development of the prevailing market information system: Managing and updating information on markets and training farmers enabling them to adjust production (type of crops, varieties, quantities, quality, calendars) and market their produce profitably.
  3. Creation of the production norms and trade information system: a detailed and updated information on norms, & train/educate on post-harvest practices provided to producers.
  4. Linking producers to traders / buyers of agricultural products (large scale distribution, exporters and agro processing industries): detailed marketing specification will be established on different crops which will be translated into detailed specifications on the production level.
  5. Establishing farm accounting and management support service: establishing and training on regional Accounting and Management Centers enabling farmer groups to better manage their holdings.
  6. Support the creation / reorganization of farmer groups: farmer groups will be able to fulfill their purchasing contracts by producing high quality crops in regular quantities.
  7. Creation of a support fund to farmer groups: documentations, regulations on how to apply to a grant / loan will be provided to farmer groups.
  8. Development of an agricultural export information service: export information by product and per importing country will be provided to farmers (markets, sanitary requirements, administrative formalities, post-harvest, requirements and marketing conditions).
Ref Project title ADP: Agricultural Development Program
Name of legal entity Country Overall project value (EUR) Proportion carried out by candidate (%) No. of staff provided Name of client Origin of funding Dates (start/end) Name of partners if any
MEFOSA SARL Lebanon 12,000,000 10% (as service providers) 1 key long term , 264 w/d Int.&176 w/d local experts Ministry of Agriculture MEDA2 2005/2008 Landell Mills & Tomorrow’s Advice